
However sensitive I am to environmental issues, my carbon footprint has been affected by the numerous trips I have undertaken in recent years to Mexico, Thailand, Reunion, Egypt, Morocco, China, but these trips have also allowed me to open my eyes.

First in Morocco, where I wandered around Lake Lalla Takerkoust strewn with plastic waste of all sizes, cans, and laundry detergent containers. In Egypt, it was the whiteness of the corals that caught my attention, while in Thailand, it was difficult to ignore the pollution on land and at sea... During an excursion to Koh Pi Pi, what I saw on the surface and in the sea simply disgusted me, hundreds of plastics mixed with a few small fish and a film of pollution covered the surface of the sea, formed from a mixture of oil and sunscreen.

Since my first trip to Morocco, I have noticed that the problem has worsened: for several years now, I keep coming across pessimistic news about the planet, the sea level constantly rising, new species threatened with extinction, but above all, waste, tons of waste accumulating on Earth, in the sea, and even in space.

These news items, however alarming they may be, are part of a continuous flow of information and come from a multitude of sources. It can therefore be very difficult to keep track of the evolution of an environmental damage. Yet, they should be at the center of our concerns since they concern us all. When a river in India is polluted due to the discharge of toxic products necessary for the production of clothing that industrialized countries love, all the seas and oceans of the world are polluted.

So, I came up with the idea of ​​creating the first environmental social network that would aggregate all environmental issues in one place but above all, would allow you to be an actor in environmental preservation.


Do not hesitate to reach our teams, will be please to help you in !